Digital Signature for Non-residents
Obtaining a Non-qualified Digital Signature (NDS) for 1 Non-resident of the Russian Federation and the CryptoPro CSP license for 1 computer
Non-qualified Digital Signature (hereinafter NDS) is only intended for the non-residents of the Russian Federation without the need for the presence on the territory of the Russian Federation.
This NDS will enable you to work with the ETP of TEK-Torg JSC.
To participate in biddings to buy hydrocarbon raw materials in the Section Sale of petroleum products, as well as to take part in the Sections 223-FZ and Commercial procurement, Rosneft, and Inter RAO.
Fill out the Application
With the help of a manager, choose the necessary version of a non-qualified digital signature
Pay for the service (if necessary, in your currency)
Follow the instructions for setting up the workplace