Issue a digital signature for heads of organizations and individual entrepreneurs
Obtain a qualified digital signature for any business tasks.
It works on 250 electronic platforms
Choose your CA
*IMPORTANT! Since 2022, the issuance of a signature for managers is carried out by an authorized representative of the CA of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. For employees, a signature can be obtained at a commercial CA accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications.
Issue the DS for the non-residents
Unqualified certificate of electronic signature (UNDS) for work on the section of Tender sale of UVS (Hydrocarbon Crude) and Commercial procurement. How to get a UNDS — see the instructions.
Obtain a qualified digital signature for any business tasks.
Submit reports, represent the interests of a legal entity, work using EDM, participate in procurement.
*Now Digital signature of an individual + Machine Readable Power of Attorney (MChD)
Call: +7 495 134-14-39
*Now employees must sign documents on behalf of the company with a digital signature of an individual and confirm their power with a machine-readable power of attorney (MChD).
The MChD service is available free of charge in your personal account upon passing accreditation on the platform as a supplier.
The Machine-readable Power of Attorneys (MChD) required for bidding and procurement are formed and placed exclusively in the UIS.
An electronic document signed by a qualified DS has the same legal force as a paper document signed by hand
The documents are originals, they do not need to be printed. The Federal Tax Service and courts accept them as originals
With signing certificate, you will gain access to all government systems —FEDERAL AND COMMERCIAL
With DS, you will be able to participate in procurements under 44-FZ and 223-FZ, and also in commercial auctions and bankruptcy tenders
— Rutoken is a physical data carrier for storing and using your DS
— Installation and configuration of the CryptoPro CSP Cryptographic Information Protection Facility (CIPF) and Qualified DS on your workplace
— License to use the information security control tool (CIPF) CryptoPro CSP as part of the key certificate.