
Benefits for Customers

The IMP justification services

A complex of services to simplify the process of calculating the initial maximum price (Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation No. 567, Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 1064n, Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 450n)

Verification of compliance with government standards

This functionality checks the relevance of the government standards specified in the documentation (GOST, SNiP, SanPiN, RD)

Search for documentation

The service helps to quickly find purchase documentation for further use during carrying out procedures. The search is performed among documents from notifications published in the UIS

Check for restrictions, prohibitions and benefits

The functionality allows to quickly pick up OKPD2 / KTRU codes by the desired object of purchase and characteristics, as well as check them for benefits, prohibitions and restrictions and find standard contracts

Calculation of time frames of procedures

A simple and intuitive calculator to create time frames for purchases under 44-FZ taking into account the latest legislative changes

Attraction of suppliers

Increasing competition and the number of participants of procurement procedures through direct calling by marketing center specialists of the Federal Platform TEK-Torg. To use this service, you need to contact the personal manager

Automatic calculation of the number of points based on the indicators and criteria for evaluating applications

This functionality allows you to automatically calculate points based on participants’ proposals when an application evaluation formula is applied

Supplier selection service

The service generates a list of suppliers, contractors, performers in accordance with the desired object of purchase, indicating contacts for further interaction

Verification of the counterparty

The functionality of comprehensive verification of counterparties allows to get acquainted with detailed information about company, view financial statements, learn the history of contract execution and of the counterparty's participation in purchases, and check them for affiliation

Recognition of application documents

The platform recognizes a number of documents (Certificate of Compliance (RU), Certificate of Origin (ST-1), Licenses, extracts from the register of licenses) as part of the application for participation in procurement for healthcare needs and displays their details in a convenient report, as well as provides links to the relevant registers for subsequent verification

Informing about the method of securing the application

At the stage of applications review, the participant that provided the application with a bank guarantee is highlighted in a separate color (for subsequent verification)

Deferred publication of protocols

The ability to postpone sending an electronically signed protocol to the UIS for subsequent adjustments

Notifications in Telegram

The platform provides the possibility of flexible setting of notifications sent to e-mail and Telegram messenger

Control module for time frames of procurement procedures

Control over time frames of the procurement stages is implemented not only through a general list of all procedures, but also through a separate section “Do not forget” that displays only the necessary information about the actions that the customer shall perform on current purchases

Automatic calculation of the contract price on the basis of preferences

The platform automatically calculates the amount of the contract to be concluded taking into account the applied preferences and displays this information in the protocol

Chat with the winner of the procurement procedure

Implemented the ability to create chats with the procurement participant recognized as the winner based on the results of review of applications. Besides, it is possible to share files via chat

Conclusion of additional agreements through the functionality of the platform

The platform provides the ability of concluding additional agreements to the contract in electronic form

Control module of stages and payments under the contract

A section containing information on contracts to monitor stages and payments

Preparation of the SMP report

The service allows to quickly and easily generate a report on the volume of purchases from small businesses

Procurement register

The register contains information on published procedures for preparation of regular analytical reports

Generation of detailed analytical reports on all purchases of the authorized bodies/the Customer

The ability to generate detailed analytical reports on all purchases based on more than 300 criteria and indicators with graphical visualization and the possibility of comparative analysis